Use this checklist when creating your design submission to increase the odds of success!
Have you designed something that is creative and different? Many challenges are looking for new concepts and ideas. Is your design something the client has seen before?
Important: If you copy another design or use icons or design elements that you did not create yourself you will fail the Topcoder Screening process. (see below).
If you do not understand something about the challenge or the design requirements, ask questions in the challenge forum and get it clarified.
It is better to ask questions than assume your own interpretation.
You do not want to lose because of a simple misunderstanding.
When asking questions, members should be aware of the Copilot’s and especially Customers’ timezone and plan/ask accordingly.
Rushing through your design will result in small inconsistencies and mistakes.
Design challenges require you manage your time wisely to deliver a polished submission that will stand out from all the others.
Make sure to submit 1 hour before Checkpoint or Final round closes. If your submission finishes uploading after the challenge closes it will not be accepted.
Go to each section of the challenge requirements and double-check that you have met all of the customer’s requests and expectations.
Double check the listed “Round One (1)” and “Round Two (2)” requirements.
Check the challenge forum for any additional clarifications.
Provide screenshots of your design with overlay and instructional notes.
Presentation File: If you have time it is always advised to include a nice presentation image to help market and understand your design
Provide an InvisionApp or MarvelApp URL (based on the challenge requirements) within the challenge text file to help explain your design.
Important: DO NOT include your Topcoder username in any part of your submission.
When submitting, JPG/PNG screens make sure to number your files in the order you would like them to be viewed by the customer. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04 etc.)
When submitting your source, AI/PSD files make sure to follow best practices by labeling your layers and organizing your layer folders by user scenarios. Here is a good reference for PSD best practices.
You must declare all Font source information used in your design.
You must declare all Stock Photo source information used in your design.
You must declare all Stock Icon source information used in your design.
You must declare all Stock Vector Art source information used in your design.
You must declare any design mockup (iPhone, iPad, etc.) source information in your design.
Important: Font Policy for Design Challenges
Can you answer “Yes” to the following three questions?
Your design submissions contain only elements you created yourself or approved third party design elements the challenge holder has given permission to use.
You have submitted the correct files and correctly declared your fonts and approved stock photos.
You are not cheating or trying to “get away” with copying designs.
Important: How to Pass Screening in Design Challenges